Psychology Essay

What is Psychology essay?

Psychology essays mean that there will be a detailed analysis of human mind and its behaviour in that particular essay. If a topic of feminism can be criticized, then it means that its Psychology essay would include both favour and somethings that could be open to debate. Feminism means the advocacy of women rights, but there are various aspects of it, that could be criticized also. Where women say that they have to pay accordingly to men, but they are unable to do the strong work that a man can do. For instance, if 1000 kg block has to be torn apart, a woman is not able to put such a force to break it, not a normal woman can but yes a woman who has been trained in army or a woman who has been trained to specifically do this work, only that woman can do it.

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Therefore, this type of criticism is healthy, where you both justify your opinions, otherwise, if you would only say that women cannot break blocks only a man can do it, then it would be a harsh statement. Because we can see that now woman even fight in UFC and they have different weight divisions also. Therefore, you cannot take a side and criticize any woman, there are women in the fieldwork who are equally taking part in the activities, that’s a job for a man. Therefore, a Psychology essay is very effective when you are writing as a neutral person and there is no biased involved.

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