Reflective Essay

What is a reflective essay?

Reflective essays means such topics that are being reflective of your own case, means a story that has been a reflection of your personal account. Therefore, whenever you are writing a reflective essay this means that it’s your own personal reflection of the topic that you are writing about. Additionally, you can support your own reflective accounts by the opinions of some other authors. But you are supposed to provide the constructive accounts within the reflective essays, constructive account means that your opinions should not be bashing the topic of your essay, and it should be effective for the readers. Therefore, whenever you are supposed to write about any particular topic, you don’t have think about all the bad things and write that stuff into your reflective essay but you have to talk about those things that would help your audience to learn and to find some good experiences that can motivate them also.

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There are tons and tons of topics that you can write about, for instance it has been predicted by scientists that world’s temperature is going above by 2 degrees. Therefore, If you are going to argue about climate change in your reflective essay then don’t go all out on this topic. Additionally, you can also provide your account of conditions in your city. For instance, if your cities are getting warmer or if your city is mostly cold then if it is getting colder by days. Therefore you can provide your own reflection for global warming, but you cannot say things like, global warming is a hoax and it is not a global problem. World leaders have also agreed the same that we have to lessen our emissions and united nations has provided various goals to be achieved. Sustainable goals for 2030 have also been provided in this particular context, therefore you need to understand what could be the repercussions of your written peace.

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